Free Viewer 2.5

Free Viewer 2.5

Free Free Viewer can help you view a really wide array of file formats
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2.5 See all
Free Viewer, LLC
1 / 5
Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Free Viewer can help you view a really wide array of file formats. It not only supports opening text files, documents and archives, it goes far beyond that and lets you open different types of media files, such as audio, image and video files. An application like this may come in handy when you need to open a given file whose supporting application is not installed on your computer.
I do not think anyone would have difficulties using Free Viewer because there is practically nothing to do but to view the files. It has a modern interface with a tabbed ribbon that contextually changes according to the type of opened file. Also depending on the file, some quite simple editing functions are available.
The program is rather non-invasive as it will not substitute other program’s file associations. Instead, it will set itself to open extensions that are not associated to any other program. In addition, it lets you customize file associations at will. Although the program is completely free and will not bother you with any kind of adds, you should be cautious during installation or it will add a probably unwanted new bar to your web browser and change your default search engine.
In general, Free Viewer serves the purpose it was created for. Of course there are file types that are not supported, and that is logical, because a real universal viewer is just an ideal.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It supports a wide array of file formats
  • It has a modern nice-looking interface
  • The ribbon adapts to the type of file you open
  • It is easy to use
  • It allows simple editing functions
  • It is non-invasive
  • It is free


  • During installation, you should be cautious not to let it install unwanted browser toolbars

Comments (2)

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rating Ron Bauerle
I just uninstalled it since Chrome is constantly thrashing my hard drive and the top entry most of the time was coming from the Free Viewer directory. IDK whether I had V1.0 or 2.5; if I need it again maybe I'll reinstall it.

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Honestly, it's not easy to find an app like this one. Free Viewer does its job effectively and quickly. Moreover, it's free. So, I do recommend it! Smile

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